"The Gift of Lifesaving Water"
OE-0005 - November 2016 - SAF II - Caribbean Sector - Haiti - Northern Department

Mission Team 5 deployed to the region of Cap Haitien where post-hurricane flooding and perpetual heavy rains overwhelmed the crippled infrastructure of Cap Haitien - particularly in the fractured area of For Saint Michel. the team solidified a plan with Cap Haitien Rotary to move forward with a lifesaving clean water filtration project to outfit 1,000 Gift of Water systems with indigenous technician support to 1,000 families, thereby providing upwards of 5,000 men, women and children with safe, clean water. This project will be funded through a Rotary Global Grant of $105,000 and OPERATION ENDEAVOR is a collaborating organization devoted to the successful completion of this project by coordinating air transition of all assets, security for personnel, and a dynamic baseline assessment of families receiving the systems to provide longitudinal tracking of the health metric impact of the systems.

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